Why You Need To Invest in 5 Ton Overhead Crane

Buying the right equipment is important for your business and will have an impact on different areas. You need to take your time and make sure you invest in equipment that meets your needs. There are many options to choose from, and some get overwhelmed. If you want to buy a single girder crane, then don’t worry because you can take your time and choose something that works for you. An overhead crane is going to help you a lot. Those who have purchased have been happy with this purchase because it met their needs. Below are some of the reasons why you should invest in a 5 ton overhead crane.

5 ton overhead crane
5 ton overhead crane

No need to clear the aisles
Overhead cranes are great because they can move places other equipment cannot reach. The path of a fork truck can be blocked and you are forced to get the manpower to move the obstacle or clear the aisle. When you have an overhead crane, you don’t have to worry about that because you can make it around the obstruction easily. Operating the overhead crane is also not complicated. The operator can focus on their work without having to worry about the obstructions on the factory floor. We also have 10 ton overhead crane.

Clean floor space
The supports for the crane are out of the way and this clears up your floor space. Talk to your crane supplier to get a design that is aligned to the building columns or along walls. It is important to talk with the supplier about these issues because it can make the operation of the crane smooth. There are many different options, just talk to someone experienced in this field.

5 ton overhead crane for sale
5 ton overhead crane for sale

The operator is in an optimum location when moving the load. When using a forklift, there are a lot of blind spots which is not great when it comes to safety. It is common to see a forklift overturning (such accidents can end up in death). Pedestrians can be struck by a forklift. Overhead cranes can be fitted with anti-collision devices which will prevent them from colliding with each other.

A crane is customizable and adaptable
Overhead cranes are versatile because of their hook accessories. You have limitless options. Below the hook accessories include c-hooks, spreader bars, customer designed lifting tooling, weight scales, vacuum lifts, and manipulators. You can change the hooks tools depending on the type of job that needs to be done.

Heavier payloads
You can handle heavier loads using an overhead crane and keeping the plant personnel away from the load. With forklifts, there needs to be an operator within close proximity. An overhead crane allows you to rig the load and then move away from it.

Complete coverage
The entire plant can be covered with no dead spots. An overhead crane can easily travel over the load even if there is no aisle or clear path. This gives you a lot of flexibility when setting up the plant design.

Investing in an overhead 5-ton crane is a good idea because you will get the above and more benefits. You can choose an overhead crane from a great manufacturer.